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  2. DNS records
  3. Point a domain registered with another provider to your services with us

Point a domain registered with another provider to your services with us

Instruktioner lämpliga för nybörjare

If you have registered a domain with another registrar and want to use your services with us, you need to ask the domain registrar to direct the domain name’s DNS records to our servers.

There are two ways to do this
1. Change the domains name servers. This option is used if you only use the services of a specific provider, or if you prefer to manage your DNS with a specific provider.
2. Change the A-records for the domain name. This method is used if, for example, you want to use website space with a specific provider, but want to use the e-mail with another.

Changing name servers

At your domain registrar, change the domains name servers to the following:



Det kan ta upp till 48 timmar innan ett namnserverbyte har slagit igenom innan domänen nyttjar dina tjänster hos oss

Change the domains A-records

If you choose to continue using your supplier’s DNS service, you need to enter our A-records to use the website space with us. You set these at your supplier.

1. Sign in to The control panel »
2. Click on your domain name in the menu.
3. Click DNS and then click A.
4. In the list, you will then see all the A-pointers for your domain.

5. Then ask your provider to enter the IP numbers you received from the list and enter this as follows:


Ändringen träder i kraft inom någon timme eller enligt det inställda TTL-värdet.

Updated on 6. April 2022
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