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Update you Exchange account after the move to the new platform

After moving to the new platform, your Exchange licenses and accounts will be updated with a new password. This guide describes how to find your new password and then add it to your email client.

1. Set a new password

Before we move your Exchange licenses, we’ll send you a new and temporary password. Then we’ll start the migration and inform you via SMS when everything’s done and it’s time for the next steps.

1. Go to outlook.office.com or portal.office.com

2. Login with your new temporary password that we sent via email before the move. If you don’t have access to the password, you can reset it through the Microsoft Office Portal.

3. As soon as you log in, you will be prompted to choose a new password. Choose a new and secure password, then it’s time to add the account to your email client.

2. Re-add the account in your email client.

After choosing a new password, you must re-add the account in your email program. You can do this by removing your old account and adding the new one – in most clients, you only need to fill in your email address and password.

Guides on how to add your Exchange account in some of the most common email clients:

Change password in the Microsoft Office Portal

If, for any reason, you don’t have access to or have lost the temporary password we sent you, as an administrator, you can log in to the Microsoft Admin Portal and choose new passwords for all accounts linked to your domain.

  1. Start by logging into your new control panel at admin.websupport.se. admin.websupport.se. You have the same login credentials as before, but if you happen to forget them, you can always reset your username and password.
  2. Go to Microsoft 365 settings and click on ‘Manage licenses’ to retrieve your new username and password.
  3. Go to admin.microsoft.com and sign in with the details you just got from the control panel.
  4. Click on ‘Active users’ under ‘Users’ in the left-hand menu.
  5. Click on ‘Reset password’ for the account you wish to update.
  6. Choose whether you want to generate a password automatically or enter your own.
  7. Click on ‘Reset password’ to save.
  8. Repeat steps 3-5 for each account. Keep in mind that if you have licenses for other domain names, they have their own login, which you can find in the Websupport control panel.
Updated on 21. March 2024
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